Your privacy

Welcome to our website “” (“Site”).

For “ ” your privacy and the security of your personal data are very important, for this reason we collect and manage your personal data with the utmost care and adopt specific measures to keep them safe.

Below you will find the main information on the processing by “ ” of your personal data in relation to your navigation of “ ” and the use of the services offered. For detailed information on how “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” manages your personal data, please read our “Privacy Policy”. We also ask you to read the “ Cookie Policy ”, the “ General Conditions of Use ” of the site “ ” and the “ Terms and Conditions of Use
”, which contain detailed information regarding the conditions relating to our services. Some services may be subject to specific legal terms, in which case we will take care of giving you all the appropriate information from time to time.

Who is the Owner?
Below is the main information on the processing of your personal data carried out by:
Old Fox di Samantha Volpe Via Geminiano Inghirami, 6 – 59100 Prato (PO) Italy (IT)
– PEC:
– E-mail :
– Tel +39 0574 606049 +39 0574 967919
as Data Controller.

What data do we process and why?

The personal data that “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” processes are those that you provide us when you complete an order and purchase goods, and those that we collect while you browse or use the services offered on “”.

“ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” can therefore collect data about you such as, for example, personal data such as name and surname, shipping address and billing address, navigation data and your purchasing habits.

Your personal data is processed, in particular, for the following purposes:

– conclude and execute the contract for the purchase of goods offered on “”;

– allow you to register on the Site and the App and use the services reserved for registered users;

– manage your requests forwarded to our Customer Service.

In the aforementioned cases, the processing of your personal data is necessary to execute a contract with you or to provide you with the service you specifically requested. Furthermore, we carry out statistical surveys and analyzes with data in aggregate form to understand how users interact and use the Site, to improve our offer and our services.

Only with your express consent, on the other hand, do we process your personal data for:

– send you our newsletters via e-mail (communications on news and commercial promotions);

– send you SMS messages about our news and commercial promotions (SMS service);

– send you commercial and promotional communications about our products and services and carry out opinion polls and market research (by e-mail, SMS, telephone and paper mail);

– customize the Site and commercial communications based on your characteristics and interests.

Your data may also be processed to allow ” Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” to carry out security checks for the purpose of prevention and protection against fraudulent activities, counterfeiting and abusive behavior (also by third parties) in conflict with the regulations in force, the contractual provisions applicable to the Site, the App and the related services, the rules of correctness and good faith. These processing activities are based on the legitimate interest of “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ”.

Who will process your data?

Your personal data is processed by duly trained personnel of “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” as Data Controller. Furthermore, for organizational and functional needs relating to the provision of services on “”, your data may be processed by our suppliers. The latter have been evaluated and chosen by ” Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” for their proven reliability and competence. Some of these subjects may also be based in non-EU countries and, in these cases, the transfer of your personal data to these countries is carried out in compliance with the guarantees provided by law.

How long do we keep your data?

We keep your personal data for a limited period of time which depends on the purpose for which they were collected, at the end of which your personal data will be deleted or in any case rendered anonymous in an irreversible way.

The retention period varies depending on the purpose of the processing: for example, the data collected during the purchase of goods on “” are processed until all the administrative and accounting formalities have been completed, and are therefore archived in compliance with the local tax legislation (ten years), those used to send you our newsletters or our text messages until you ask us to stop sending them (withdrawal of consent or opposition to receipt) and, in any case, within 2 (two) years from last interaction of any kind with us.

For more information, see our “Privacy Policy”.

What are your rights?

At any time, depending on the specific treatment, you can:

revoke consent to processing, know which personal data we hold about you, their origin and how they are used, request their updating, rectification or integration as well as, in the cases provided for by current provisions, cancellation, limitation of the treatment or oppose their treatment. If you wish, you can request to receive the personal data held by “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” concerning you in a format readable by electronic devices and, where technically possible, we will be able to transfer your data directly to a third party indicated by you .

If you believe that the processing of your personal data has been carried out unlawfully, you can lodge a complaint with one of the competent supervisory authorities for compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data.

In Italy, the complaint can be presented to the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data ( This information may undergo changes and additions over time, therefore we invite you to periodically check the contents. Where possible, we will try to inform you promptly about the changes we make.

  1. General informations

Who is the Data Controller?

Who is the Personal Data Protection Officer?

  1. What personal data we collect

The categories of personal data that “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ”  collects and processes when you browse or make purchases on “” are as follows:

  1. we collect the personal data necessary to conclude and execute your purchase on “” such as name and surname, e-mail address, shipping address, billing address, telephone number and payment details;
  2. we collect your e-mail address when you subscribe to our newsletter service (communications about our news and commercial promotions);
  3. we collect your mobile phone number when you subscribe to our SMS service (communications about our news and commercial promotions);
  4. we process the personal data you provide to us when you contact our Customer Service to provide you with the requested assistance;
  5. subject to your consent, we collect and use your personal data for profiled marketing purposes; by analyzing your personal data we can process information regarding your interests and preferences with respect to our products and services, in order to present you proposals and offers in line with your tastes:
  6. for the registration of your account, we collect your first and last name, your e-mail address and your password. If you are a registered user, we collect information about your access to the reserved area of ​​the Site. In case of account authentication via external social networks, we collect from these third parties the data necessary for registration/authentication via Facebook and Google. We also collect information about you from third parties and, in particular, from Facebook and Google. This information includes the following categories of data: email address;
  7. we collect information about your navigation on “”, such as the pages you visit and how you interact with the single page and we save this information on our servers;
  8. in the event that you provide “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” with personal data of third parties, for example in cases where you decide to purchase a product to be delivered to a friend or to make a gift, “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ”  will in order to deliver the privacy information to the third party at the time of the first communication. We remind you that the use of personal data of third parties is subject to the regulations on the protection of personal data. 

We inform you that “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” 
 does not process personal data relating to minors.

If you access “” and use the services offered by “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ”  you declare that you are of legal age.

  1. How do we use the personal data collected?

“ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” collects and processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  1. conclude and execute the contract for the purchase of the products offered on “”. In particular, to send you via e-mail confirmation of receipt of your order and its acceptance, as well as the successful shipment of the product. We also process your personal data for further contract execution activities, such as payment, invoicing, product shipment and any return management;
  2. registration on the Site and use of the services offered to registered users. Registration on the Site is possible by entering some personal information, necessary to guarantee your identification and the performance of the services offered to registered users;
  3. provision of the services offered on “” and on the App. To this end, “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” needs to collect, in relation to each service and its characteristics, the personal data necessary to perform the service you provide required; 
  4. management of requests to our Customer Service, which uses the personal data you provide to satisfy your requests for information and requests for assistance;
  5. sending CVs. If you send us your CV to be considered for an open position, we will use the information contained in your CV for that purpose only. Your CV will be kept for a maximum period of six (6) months, after which it will be deleted: if you wish, you can of course send us a new updated version;
  6. statistical analysis and surveys. We use some information about your use of the Site to carry out statistical analyzes and surveys in order to improve our offer and our services;
  7. prevention and repression of fraud, counterfeiting and abusive behaviour. Your data may be processed to allow ” Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ”  to carry out checks and security activities for the purpose of prevention and protection against fraudulent activities, counterfeiting and abusive behavior (also by third parties) in conflict with the rules in force, the contractual provisions applicable to the Site, the App and the related services, the rules of correctness and good faith;
  8. sending of commercial and promotional communications following the purchase of one of our products, so-called “soft spam”. Following the purchase of one of our products on the Site, we may send you communications containing our commercial proposals on similar products and services to the e-mail address you provided;
  9. subject to your consent, we will be able to send you our newsletters via e-mail (communications on news and commercial promotions);
  10. subject to your consent, we will be able to send you SMS messages about our news and commercial promotions (SMS service);
  11. subject to your consent, we may use your contacts in the context of carrying out market research and surveys to measure satisfaction in order to improve our services and the relationship with our users. These communications may take place via e-mail, SMS, telephone and paper mail;
  12. only with your consent, “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ”  will be able to personalize your experience as a registered user on “”, offering you previews and offers in line with your tastes, as well as sending you personalized commercial communications based on your characteristics and your interests (by e-mail, SMS, telephone and postal mail). The personalization will be carried out by analyzing your previous purchases and the other information described in the previous paragraph “What personal data do we collect?”. For more information on this data and on the activity that allows it to be processed, please consult the paragraph “Your profile”.

If you wish to authorize the activities referred to in points h), i), j), k) and l) and subsequently do not wish to receive further communications from ” Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” or wish to limit the methods by which you can be contacted, you can interrupt these communications at any time simply by contacting “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” at the above address or by writing to the email address 

We inform you that you may receive further communications from us even after submitting your request to unsubscribe / withdraw your consent, as some mailings may have already been planned, our systems may take some time to process your request.

In relation to all the activities indicated above, we will process your personal data mainly through IT and electronic tools; the tools we use guarantee high safety standards, in full compliance with current legislation on the matter.

  1. Your profile

Registration allows you to have a profile, through which you can use the following services:

• My orders : track the shipment of your orders, exchange or return items that aren’t right for you and view your order history.

• My data : manage your registration data and your consent relating to the receipt of communications (personalized or not) on our news and commercial promotions.

• My addresses : save or edit your addresses to always have them at hand and complete your purchases faster.

• Payment methods : safe for your purchases and complete your orders quickly and always safely.

Subject to your express consent, “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” will be able to customize your experience and the content you will see when you browse on “” as a registered user based on your interests. This activity makes it easier for you to find products and services that are more pleasing and of interest to you and at the same time allows us to improve our offer for you. Subject to your express consent, “ Maglificio Oldfox di Volpe Samantha ” will also be able to personalize, based on your characteristics and your interests, the commercial communications that will be sent to you (by e-mail, SMS, telephone and paper mail).  

Personalization is made possible by analyzing your personal data in our possession, described in the previous paragraph “What personal data do we collect?”. In particular, the information on purchases you have made in the past and those relating to the sections of the site you visit most often or the services you use most frequently help us to understand which products and services you are most interested in.

To ensure that the information in our possession is correct and allows us to adequately carry out the activity described above, we invite you to access the “My profile” section of your account and, if you deem it necessary, to update it.

  1. Legal basis of the treatment

We process your personal data only in the presence of one of the conditions provided for by current legislation, and specifically:

a) for the conclusion and execution of a contract of which you are a part or for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at your request.

When we process your data for the conclusion and execution of a contract of which you are a part we take care to use only the minimum necessary information. This basis legitimizes the processing of personal data that takes place in the following activities:

– conclusion and execution of a purchase contract for the products offered on “”;

– registration on the Site and use of services reserved for registered users;

– provision of the services offered on “” and on the App;

– management of your requests by our Customer Service.

The provision of your personal data for these activities is a contractual obligation. You are free to communicate your data to us or not, but in the absence of the requested data it will not be possible for us to conclude or execute the contract and your requests.

This means that you will not be able to purchase the products and you will not be able to use the services of “” and that “” will not be able to manage your requests;

b) to comply with a legal obligation.

In the event of the conclusion of a contract for the purchase of goods on “”, the processing of user data will take place to fulfill the legal obligations to which “” is required in compliance with tax provisions and other regulations to which “” is subject.

You are free to decide whether to conclude a contract and whether or not to communicate your data to us, but if you conclude it, your data will be necessary and will be used to implement the aforementioned legal obligations to which “” is required.

The processing of voluntarily sent CVs, carried out to evaluate candidates with respect to a possible job position at “”, is legitimate as it is expressly authorized by a law, which specifies that in this case the person’s consent is not required to which the personal data refer.

You are free to communicate your CV or not, but otherwise we will not be able to evaluate your application for a job position at “”;

c) for our legitimate interest.

Your personal data may be processed to prevent and prosecute any fraudulent activities, counterfeiting or abusive behavior (including by third parties) in conflict with current regulations, the contractual provisions applicable to the Site, the App and related services, the rules of fairness and good faith.

In this case, the processing of your data does not derive from a legal or contractual obligation, but responds to our legitimate interest. Upon your request, “” will be able to provide you with detailed information on the legitimate interest underlying the processing indicated above and on the relative so-called balancing test;

d) based on your consent.

We will carry out the following treatments only if you have given us your express consent:
• sending our newsletters via e-mail (communications on news and commercial promotions);

• sending SMS messages about our news and commercial promotions (SMS service);

• conducting opinion polls and market research;

Providing us with your personal data for these activities is absolutely optional. You are free to provide us with your data for these purposes, but failing that it will not be possible for “” to carry out marketing activities, opinion polls and market research, and to analyze your habits.

  1. Who will process your data?

Your personal data will be processed by “” and by its specifically trained and authorized personnel for processing.

“” also makes use of third parties (suppliers or commercial partners) to carry out some of its services and related activities, to which it will transmit the necessary personal data. These subjects have been adequately selected and offer a suitable guarantee of compliance with the rules on the processing of personal data.

These suppliers can carry out, on the basis of a specific designation by “”, their activity as “data processors” (therefore under the direct responsibility of “”: for example, internet providers, companies specialized in IT and telematic services, customer assistance service companies, companies that carry out marketing activities, companies specialized in market research and data processing) or as “independent data controllers” (for example, couriers and shippers, bank operators ).

Your data may also be transmitted in accordance with the law to the tax authorities, the police forces and the judicial and administrative authorities, for the investigation and prosecution of crimes, the prevention and protection against threats to public security, for allow “” to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court, as well as for other reasons related to the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

  1. APP Version of the Site

In addition to the data referred to in the paragraph “What personal data do we collect?”, when you use the App version of our Site, “” may:

  1. subject to your express consent, collect personal data as part of the profiled marketing activity, in order to send push notifications to your device. You can disable push notifications at any time by changing your choice from the settings of your mobile device;
  2. subject to your express consent, collect information in an automated way, such as data relating to your traffic and your stay on the App or your IP address, in order to improve our offer of products and services.
  1. How long do we keep the data?

We keep your personal data for a limited period of time, which varies depending on the type of activity that involves the processing of your personal data.

Once this period has expired, your data will be definitively deleted or in any case made anonymous in an irreversible way.

The cases in which retention for a subsequent period is required for any disputes, requests from the competent authorities or pursuant to applicable legislation are excluded.

Your personal data is stored by us in compliance with the terms and criteria specified below:

  1. data collected to conclude and execute contracts for the purchase of goods on “”: up to the conclusion of the administrative-accounting formalities. The billing data will be kept for ten years from the billing date;
  2. registered user data: the data will be kept until you request cancellation of your profile;
  3. data relating to the payment: up to the certification of the payment and the conclusion of the related administrative-accounting formalities following the expiry of the right of withdrawal and the terms applied for contesting the payment;
  4. data collected in the context of the use of services offered on “”: these data are kept until the termination of the service or the cancellation of the subscription to the service;
  5. data connected to user requests to our Customer Service: the data useful to assist you will be kept until your request is satisfied;
  6. CV: for six (six) months from receipt;
  7. data used for commercial communication activities towards users who purchase products on “” (soft spam): these data are kept until the activity is terminated or your request to interrupt the activity (opposition to receipt) and in any case within 2 (two) years from your last interaction of any kind with “”. You can, at any time, autonomously stop receiving these communications by simply clicking on the appropriate link at the bottom of each of our e-mails;
  8. e-mail address provided to receive our newsletters (communications on news and commercial promotions): up to your request for interruption of the activity (withdrawal of your consent or opposition to receipt) and in any case within 2 (two) years from your last interaction of any kind with “”.

You can autonomously stop receiving these communications at any time by simply clicking on the appropriate link at the bottom of each of our newsletters or by accessing your account (if you are a registered user);

  1. mobile phone number provided to receive our SMS (communications on news and commercial promotions): up to your request to interrupt the activity (withdrawal of your consent or opposition to receipt) and in any case within 2 (two) years from your last interaction of any kind with “”. You can, at any time, autonomously stop receiving these communications by simply clicking on the appropriate link that may be present at the bottom of our message or by sending an SMS with the text “STOP” to the number indicated at the bottom of our message or by accessing your account (if registered user);
  2. data used for commercial communications, opinion polls, market research and satisfaction surveys, as well as for the personalization of commercial communications: up to your request to interrupt the activity and in any case within 2 (two) years from the last interaction of any kind with “”;
  3. data used to personalize the Site and to display personalized commercial offers: until you request the cessation of the activity and in any case within 2 (two) years from the last interaction of any kind with “”;

In any case, for technical reasons, the termination of the treatment and the consequent definitive cancellation or irreversible anonymization of the relative personal data will be definitive within 30 (thirty) days from the terms indicated above.

  1. Your rights

You can exercise your rights at any time with reference to the specific processing of your personal data by “”.

Find below their general description and how to exercise them.

  1. Access your data and modify it:

you have the right to access your personal data and to request that they be corrected, modified or integrated with other information. If you wish, we will provide you with a copy of the data we hold about you;

  1. withdraw your consent:

you can revoke at any time a consent you have given for the processing of your personal data in relation to any activity for profiled marketing purposes. In this regard, we remind you that the sending of commercial and promotional communications (including newsletters and SMS messages), the carrying out of market research and surveys to measure satisfaction for the personalization of the Site and commercial offers based on your interests. Upon receipt of your request, we will promptly cease the processing of your personal data that is based on this consent, while different treatments or treatments based on other assumptions will continue to be carried out in full compliance with the provisions in force;

  1. object to the processing of your data:

you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest, explaining the reasons that justify your request. Without prejudice to the presence of impediments to the acceptance of the same as required by law, we will cease the treatment to which you have objected. You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your data for profiled marketing purposes, to the extent that it is connected to this purpose, without the need to indicate the reason why you object. In this case we will promptly cease the processing of your data for profiled marketing purposes;

  1. delete your data:

in the cases provided for by current legislation, you can request the cancellation of your personal data. Once your request has been received and examined, if legitimate, we will promptly cease processing and delete your personal data;

  1. request that the processing of your personal data be temporarily limited:

in this case “” will continue to keep your personal data but will not process them, unless subject to your different request and the exceptions provided by law. You can obtain the limitation of the treatment when you dispute the accuracy of your personal data, when the treatment is unlawful but you oppose the cancellation of your data, when your data we no longer need but you need it to exercise your right in court and when you object to the processing, while we are evaluating the reasons for your request;

  1. request your data or transfer it to a person other than “” (“right to data portability”).

You can ask to receive your data that we process based on your consent or based on a contract with you in a standard format. If you wish, where technically possible, we may upon your request transfer your data directly to a third party indicated by you.

To ensure that our users’ data is not subjected to violations or illegitimate use by third parties, before accepting your request to exercise one of the rights indicated, we will ask you for some information to be sure of your identity.

  1. Security measures

We protect your personal data with specific technical and organizational security measures, aimed at preventing your personal data from being used illegitimately or fraudulently. In particular, we use security measures which guarantee: the pseudonymisation or encryption of your data; the confidentiality, integrity, availability of your data as well as the resilience of the systems and services that process them; the ability to restore data in the event of a data breach. Furthermore, “” undertakes to test, verify and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the technical and organizational measures in order to ensure continuous improvement in the security of the processing.


  1. Complaints 

If you believe that the processing of your personal data has been carried out unlawfully, you can lodge a complaint with one of the competent supervisory authorities for compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data.

In Italy, the complaint can be presented to the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data.

More information on how to present it is available on the Guarantor’s website at

  1. Changes to this regulation

The constant evolution of our services may lead to changes in the characteristics of the processing of your personal data described up to now. Consequently, this privacy statement may undergo changes and additions over time, which may also be necessary with reference to new regulatory interventions regarding the protection of personal data.

We therefore invite you to periodically check the contents: where possible, we will try to promptly inform you of the changes made and their consequences.

The updated version of the privacy information, in any case, will be published on this page, with an indication of the date of its last update.

  1. Legislative references and useful links

The processing of your personal data is carried out by “” in full compliance with the regulations on the subject provided for by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 general regulation on data protection, the rules on the processing of personal data Italian and the provisions of the Italian Supervisory Authority ( ).

Last update: March 2023